HDBIG-NWAS-RP is an HDBIG toolkit focusing on machine learning and enrichment strategies for high dimensional brain imaging genetics. The current version includes R implementation of network GWAS reprioritization for mining high-level imaging genetic associations using NetWAS based module discovery strategy. It can be applied to examine high level imaging genetic associations.
HDBIG-NWAS-RP v1.0.0 is released: Download, Documentation (PDF)
Yao X, Yan J, Liu K, Kim S, Nho K, Risacher SL, Greene CS, Moore JH, Saykin AJ, Shen L, for the ADNI. (2017) Tissue-specific network-based genome wide study of amygdala imaging phenotypes to identify functional interaction modules. Bioinformatics, 2017 May 29. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx344.
Yao X, Yan J, Risacher S, Moore J, Saykin A, Shen L. (2017) Network-based genome wide study of hippocampal imaging phenotype in Alzheimer’s disease to identify functional interaction modules. ICASSP'17: The 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 10.1109/ICASSP.2017.7953342, New Orleans, March 5-9, 2017.